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Hi all


Please need help with my 24gl nano JBJ

how can i put a timer only for the day light ? not for both, day and night ?

From the balast i have tow cables 1 for the day light and 1 for night light but the only way to put a timer is before the balast then turn off both lights.

Someone now how to do this mater ???????


Sorry about my english, doing my best



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Is there two seperate cords for both the lights? What do you mean by night lights, are they little LED lights or blue glass tubes? I would assume you could just use two timers on each cord or if you want them to both go on at the same time just get a plug spliiter at home depot. I don't really understand.

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search the net for a digital power strip i have seen them ! you can program each socket . should do the trick . type digital power center in the search bar & voila you got it ! :D

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