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Green algae


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What is it? My tank has been running for 15 days and i have a small cuc of 3 hermits. Today when i got home from school... i saw tons of this very light lime green algae all over my rocks? What is it. It is not hair and doesn't look like coralline, maybe a starting coralline growth?





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they would all be good for your CUC. Nassarius snails do not eat algae, they stir up your sand bed and eat uneaten food and fish waste.


Edit: turbo snails would demolish that algae, but you should have a mix of snails in your tank.

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Watch out for the larger turbos though if your rocks aren't secure, they can move them around and cause trouble. Other than that they are great.

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Ok so i have 1 scarlet hermit and 2 blue legs. I will be adding another scarlet with more shells for them to grow in. I have noticed that the scarlet moves a lot less than the blue legs. He eats algae really fast though. The blues go on the rocks but he only stays on the sand and eats like crazy. Are the scarlets less active or might mine have a problem? Maybe cause he is lonely?

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how big is your tank? Hermits do not get lonley!!! they will have less competition and would actaually be happier. I wouldn't get any more red legged hermits. They need a lot of algae for their main diet and may or may not eat supliments you feed them. This may be why you see the blue legged hermits eating more than your red legged. Little info:



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are you seeing the crab eating? I would stick with around 3 hermits in that size tank. I never have liked red legged hermits, I believe they need a lot of algae supliments to do very well.

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Yes he is eating but doesn't move as much. Sould i get some seaweed for him or let him eat the algea on the sand?


He has never gone on the rocks either.

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