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Coral Vue Hydros



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My hubby would really like one.

I have been reading online as well as many books, but would like to here from any one that is curently keeping a garden eel.


So if you have anything to add please do.

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I have a snowflake eel, about 10 inches give or take a couple inches, he stays in his den most of the time if he comes out I am either asleep or not here to see him, he only comes out when he is hungry, loves to eat and doesnt mess with anything in the tank, I may be selling him soon because he is going to outgrow my tank quickly PM if your interested.

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Old Man Of The Sea

Garden eels do far greater in a special tank of their own for their home and protection is by burying themselves in the sand bed and they live out in the open where the water currents are greater and this is how they feed, for the currents bring them their food. In short order to this, a garden eel may not fair as well if their not within their normal conditions as mentioned here. There is some aquarium zoo or something that has a strictly garden eel tank with dozens, if not more garden eels.


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