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mounting frags


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Glue out of the water but place in the water immediately after glueing.

Don't try to glue actual flesh of ricordea, it won't stick due to slime.

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super glue gel will cure under water. A ricordea will need to be pre attached to a piece of rock for this to work. They will not "Stick" to glue on their own. If it came attached to a piece of rock you can glue it and it will cure under water.


my methods


Frag || superglue gel || aquamend putty || superglue gel || rock (underwater)


if it did not come with a piece of rock you will need to let it sit where you want it undisturbed without flow and it may hold on its own. If not, you can use the shot glass method. Put a small piece of rock and the ricordea in shot glass in the display, the ricordea should take hold in a few days.

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