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Frogspawn Questions


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I have three heads of frogspawn in a 14 gallon biocube. I was wondering what kind of light and flow it likes. There is a place in my tank that gets high flow and lots of light, and there's another spot that has about medium flow and low-medium light. What would it like best? Thanks!

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I have three heads of frogspawn in a 14 gallon biocube. I was wondering what kind of light and flow it likes. There is a place in my tank that gets high flow and lots of light, and there's another spot that has about medium flow and low-medium light. What would it like best? Thanks!


Sorry medium flow and lots of light.

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Medium flow is best but I like to have alot of flow in my tank and the frogspawn adjusted nicely. It took about a week for them to start looking better. Just dont have alot of direct flow and they should be fine.

(by alot I mean the frogspawn are swaying with the current)


I also have them on the bottom of my stock NC24 and they are growing just fine.

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Thanks for all of the replies. I'll just keep it where it is now. It's kindof flowing with the current, and is in the middle of the tank. I have the stock lighting, will this be enough?

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