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Cultivated Reef

What will eat this?


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What kind of an animal can I get to eat this clumpy underwater grass? And any ideas as to what it's called?




IMO this is hair algae. Emerald crabs or scarlet hermits but you need to pluck most of it out by hand...

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ill eat it if you pay me enough... or if its a small rock you can use a toothbrush, a bucket, and some tank water to give it a good scrub


Edit: on second glance.. it looks like theres polyps on it.. so i'd try emerald and scarlets as previously mentioned

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Well, there is one piece of macro algae in there, but I picked that out. I was hoping I could get something to eat it that might be more delicate than my hands. There are a bunch of dusters and other stuff in there that I didn't want to pluck out along with the algae.

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