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Cultivated Reef

Cycleless pico tank?


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Lets say that a guy might want to set up a pico tank for his wife's classroom. Is it possible to set up the tank with everything but the LR then purchase a piece of rock from a LFS that is already cycled and inhabited by corals. Would it work? Maybe water changes every day for a week or so in case there is any die off. Most picos are only large enought for one or two pieces of LR and my LFS has some nice multicoral rocks in their tank that would look good in a pico. What do you think?

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You're going to have at least a mini cycle. Obviously the rock would have to be transported to the school. I think you're going to have a little die off no matter what.

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You're going to have at least a mini cycle. Obviously the rock would have to be transported to the school. I think you're going to have a little die off no matter what.



True but since the rock would need to be submersed for the sake of the corals wouldn't die off be kept to a minimum? As mentioned frequent initial water changes could be used.

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It should be easy to do. If it's good quality rock, and already cycled from wherever you get it from it should be fine. I've bought rock from Premium Aquatics 2-day shipping, and barely get any cycle there. LFS rock - never get a cycle, but then again, my LFS's rock sucks and has no life on it whatsoever.


The one thing that may cause one is if the corals are slimers, mushrooms being a good example of this. If so, just dip & rinse the corals off in a separate small container of SW before putting into new tank.


Now, if you add other stuff to tank, like fish, C.U.C., etc.. then that will add bioload and make a small cycle.

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