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Cultivated Reef

Help with a sandy situation


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Hey Friends,


I have a quick question here. Over the course of two years of water changes I have managed to siphon out a noticeable amount of sand from my tank. I started out with 20 lbs. I like to add that sand back in, but I donÂ’t want to shock my system that is very content right now. My question is at what rate per day/week, should I add my sand back in order to have the least impact on stability? The last thing that I want is a mini cycle after two years. Thanks a bunch :)

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There is no scientific methods to this issue I know of but in my 10 years doing this I would just add what I need to get back to the desired amount. You shouldn't notice a cycle because the system is already balanced for your bioload adding sand will not increase the bioload. What you will most likely notice is a diatom bloom on the new sand as it becomes live.


You didn't say what size tank you have but starting out with 20lbs this is probably not a issue but assuming this is not a DSB, its not a good idea to disturb the lower part of a DSB you can release some very unwanted gases into the system. If this is a large amount of sand you are talking about then to prevent smothering the current LS I would move it to one side of the tank and then add the new sand to the bare bottom , this is basically partitioning the change. The new sand will eventually become live.

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Thank's Dean,


My tank is a 24 gallon and does not utilize a DSB. Thanks for the assurance. Im just going to go ahead and add it.

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