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tako's 10g AGA


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Last April, I started asking questions here and set up a 10g AGA w/ 70W MH lighting, a 50W heater, and a Maxi-jet 900. I had everything set up and a cleaning crew installed and things were looking good. Then, to make a long story short, life got in the way and the tank went on stand-by for almost 8 months. I kept up with water changes and cleaning. Maybe one of the longest maturation periods ever! ;)


Anyway, I added a nice (if not a little drab) Pipe Organ at the beginning of December. After he'd survived for a couple of weeks and seemed to be thriving I added a pair of Ocellaris Clowns. Just last week I got 3 little ric polyps and 2 colonies of zoas.


This would be where I am right now:


Whole tank view:



The Pipe Organ that lives on the far right:



The zoas that live on the left. They look a little unhappy sometimes, hoping they are just getting used to their new home:



The little group of zoas in the middle on the bottom:



And finally, the Ricordia that live behind the little zoas:



I want to thank all of you here at this forum for keeping me motivated, entertained, and informed during my down-time. I hope to be able to contribute a bit more as the tank matures and grows! :D

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Picked up this cool little ricordia at the LFS yesterday. He gets to live in a glass for a little while because he got separated from his rock on the way home. Bad picture, sorry---too much glass maybe.



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