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:bowdown: AAAWWWWSSSUUUUMMMM. Wow 3 years. Most people can't get 6 months without upsizing. So, where's your lion fish or moray ell :haha: kidding. Is your system stock or modified?
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i got rid of the lionfish because it kept eating my yellow tangs and my green moray is in the fuge LOL


It is all stock except for the hydor flow and a maxijet 900 upgrade.

I have to dose alk every other day, thats about it, weekly 10% WC

I run 1 50/50 bulb and 1 10,000 k bulb

Floss and 1 sponge in the first chamber,

lr in the second chamber and I use a soapdish from Target for a sort of fuge.

I'm most proud of my monti cap which is spreading out everywhere. It started as a postage stamp sized frag.

Also I have about 20 assorted, polyps, zoas and palys. Most are growing great.

I had a nice hammer which just up and died a month ago for mysterious reasons, it did sprout 3 babies from the skeleton so hopefully they will grow out.


I am thinking of a larger tank as I am runing out of room, maybe a 40 breeder or a 37 gal cube with a rockwall in the back but i am still in the research phaze on that.

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