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Too many tanks


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Ok, I have a couple freshwater tanks, and now my 10 gallon nano. I have too much going on to give all of them attention, so I was thinking of setting up my 38 Tall as a reef tank. I plan on obvoiusly keeping my 10g until the cycle and everything is done in my 38 tall. I just ordered the Odyssea 24" MH with T5 off of ebay for $130 shipping included. The tank is close to 25ish inches deep. Would this 250 watt fixture be ok for that depth?? Since I have time until my cycle finishes, I planned on buying a new eletronic ballast for the fixture to upgrade the lighting. How many lbs of live sand would you use on a tank like this. I know what typical is, but it's no more than 36" wide and maybe 15" deep. It's tall as all get out, and I don't want to use the typical gallon to pound ratio! Thanks!

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Ok, I have a couple freshwater tanks, and now my 10 gallon nano. I have too much going on to give all of them attention, so I was thinking of setting up my 38 Tall as a reef tank. I plan on obvoiusly keeping my 10g until the cycle and everything is done in my 38 tall. I just ordered the Odyssea 24" MH with T5 off of ebay for $130 shipping included. The tank is close to 25ish inches deep. Would this 250 watt fixture be ok for that depth?? Since I have time until my cycle finishes, I planned on buying a new eletronic ballast for the fixture to upgrade the lighting. How many lbs of live sand would you use on a tank like this. I know what typical is, but it's no more than 36" wide and maybe 15" deep. It's tall as all get out, and I don't want to use the typical gallon to pound ratio! Thanks!


:huh: How is setting up a bigger tank and tearing down a smaller tank helping the "too many tanks" problem? (A problem that I do not believe in, btw)

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:huh: How is setting up a bigger tank and tearing down a smaller tank helping the "too many tanks" problem? (A problem that I do not believe in, btw)


Well if I focus 15-20 minutes a day on one tank instead of the same time on FOUR then I figured it's a good trade off!

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Well if I focus 15-20 minutes a day on one tank instead of the same time on FOUR then I figured it's a good trade off!


Oh so you're getting rid of all your other tanks?


What Vic said ^^^

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well, not getting rid of....just putting into storage until i have more time!


ah...makes sense now. good luck keeping them in storage...without water...and fishes...they'll be so sad...and empty :(

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