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Coral Vue Hydros

24 gallon nano cube help


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well looky there this is my first post. well a brief description of myself. about 2 years ago i became interested in this great hobby! i started with a 45 gallon tank and loved it. i moved and had to sell the tank. for the last 6 months i have been preparing a 90 gallon but due to size restrictions i had to scale down. i went and bought me a JBJ 24 gallon nano. so far i love it! they have some issues but im sure everyone knows that already. my biggest problem with it, is that there is only one plug that runs both the day and moon lights and therefore a timer is useless. i heard someone say you can re-wire the moon lights to its own plug and switch. so my questions are:


1. has anyone done this and how?

2.is it easy to do or just a pain?

3. what other mods have people done that you have seen?

4. if you own a JBJ 24 gallon what do you have it stocked with? any mods done to your tank?


thanks so much in advance!


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Go to www.nanotuners.com (or www.nanocustom.com) and search for "The Moonlight Fix).


It's a kit you buy to rewire the thing. Instructions are there and can be downloaded as a PDF so you know what your getting into beforehand.


You can also send them your hood and they will do the work for you if you don't feel comfortable doing it.


As for mods take out all the media in the back. I run both Chmi-pure Elite and Purigen in the back (Chemical media that comes in media bags.)

I swapped the pump with a Maxijet 1200 but a Maxijet 900 is a better option (Uses less watts and that means less heat). I would do a 900 along with maybe a Koralia nano or #1 powerhead in the display.

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thanks for the link and help. i removed the media it came with when i set it up. i will look into the wiring and see what it takes.


has anyone ever tried an in-tank uv sterlizer? i was told they are more a powerhead with an added bonus of a uv sterilizer. that water is pushed through them too fast but they make great powerheads.

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Yea you can go to nano tunners they have many upgrade options. As far as the Moonlights, that has been fixed on the new model I think. I have a 24G Nano but I took the hood off and bought a sunpod (I think thats the brand) 150W MH with 6 moon lights. So I could tell you what I have stocked but we could not even compare due to light upgrade. I also took all contents in the back out. No sponges (Nitrate trap) No carbon bags or ceramic rings or bioballs. I do however Buy some seachem bags that do have carbon in them. Its a mix and I have no problems. Even though I have only been running my 24G for a few months. I am not a expert at this but just read alot

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