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open top nano with halide


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could anyone advise me of the daily top up amount required for a 24G open top nano with HQI lighting as this is my next planned project and I would like to have all the info. possible.

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depending on heat loads, room temp, fans, you might be looking at 1/4=1/2g of top off, IMO/E. I had to fill my 2.5g ATO resivior tank every 2.5-3.5 days with 3 fans, closed top, and 150w halide. If your going this route IMO you need an ATO.

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depending on heat loads, room temp, fans, you might be looking at 1/4=1/2g of top off, IMO/E. I had to fill my 2.5g ATO resivior tank every 2.5-3.5 days with 3 fans, closed top, and 150w halide. If your going this route IMO you need an ATO.

Thanks. Im looking for as many opinions as I can so I can make a well informed descision. Thanks again.

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On my 16 Gallon Bowfront w/ open top I top off about 3/4-1 gallon a day...if that helps. My temp is 79 degrees and I have a skimmer, a HOB Filter and the only thing topping my tank is a 24 W lighting set up.

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I have an open top 24g nanocube with the solona (disco ball) pendant. I went topless roughly a month ago, I am seeing about 1/2 gal of evaporation a day.


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On my 16 Gallon Bowfront w/ open top I top off about 3/4-1 gallon a day...if that helps. My temp is 79 degrees and I have a skimmer, a HOB Filter and the only thing topping my tank is a 24 W lighting set up.

Are you sure this is correct as Im sure 1 gallon = 8 pints . This seems a lot.

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Are you sure this is correct as Im sure 1 gallon = 8 pints . This seems a lot.


Sounds reasonable to me. I have a Red Sea Max, a 20X20X8 shallow tanks with a Viper 70W HQI and a Nanocube 6 plumbed together into a shared sump. My ATU is a 5 gallon container and it goes dry in only 4 days. The tanks are only heated to 76 degrees but with the open top and metal halide on the centre tank I get close to a gallon a day of evaporation.

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