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Wiring equipment to switches.


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I remember seeing a post on here about that, but i can't see to find it again. If anyone has it bookmarked or can help me figure this out that would be great


thanks in advance



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what kind of wiring... for lights... if so you can just go to homedepot and get some... they have a diagram on them black to brass screw white to silver screw and ground to green... they sell all diffrent types of switches and they are all straight forward

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what kind of wiring... for lights... if so you can just go to homedepot and get some... they have a diagram on them black to brass screw white to silver screw and ground to green... they sell all diffrent types of switches and they are all straight forward




I wanted to have two power cut off switches for a pump and a skimmer.

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lil'wrasse cool

ya dont do it...find a pro and pay him his $50 to do what he does...also switches dont have brass,silver,green on them...Thats plugs,90% of switches dont even have ground screws...to be proper that would be a bonding screw...now after sayn that I have seen a wireless switch on tv...what it does is plug into a plug then you stick the switch box on your wall with 2 way tape and there you go, plug what you wanted switched into the plug you plugged in...kinda an idea like the clapper....

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The Propagator

Its a two wire set up how complicated is that? :)

I mean a light switch only opens and closes the power wire.

You you screw the ground on the back of the case the switch mounts to and you simply use wires nuts and tie it in to the ground on the power cord and to the case. The neutral gets wire nutted directly to the neutral wire in the service line.

All your ground wires in your service lines should be already grounded via grounding probe located outside your house or grounded to water pipes ( or both in most cases) so there shouldn't be any issues with simply wiring directly to the existing ground and grounding to the case.

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ya dont do it...find a pro and pay him his $50 to do what he does...


*cough* Guess what they or their spouse does for a living *cough*



I use the american DJ and love it.

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Does the American DJ have actual outlets in the back to plug equipment into, or do I have to cut all the power cords of my equipment to hook everything up?

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All the DJ models aren't available in the stores. Some you have to order online from their stores. I got mine from guitar center as well.

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