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Innovative Marine Aquariums

My new 14g biocube!


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is been almost a week since i got my new nano. this is my plan

getting a protein skimmer (recommendations)

light upgrade

should i remove the bio balls and replace with LR rumble?

I have 13lb of live rock and 10lb of LS (should i add more LS?)

I mix salt with R/O water

100wat heater

Should i replace the stock pump??(recommendations)



P011808082452.jpg I mix and added the water Day 1


P011608090701.jpg I add the LS Day 1


liverock.jpg I added the LR Day 4

what you guys think??

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Nice and the answers:

1. No need for a protein skimmer but keep up with 10% weekly water changes.

2. Yes, rubble is better and doesn't produce nitrates like bio-balls do.

3. 14lbs. of livesand (make sure it is argonite and not crushed coral) and 20lbs. of liverock.

4. Yes to a maxi-jet 1200 (make sure you keep the old pump so if you sell the tank take back the mj and put back the stock).

5. Also put the heater somewhere in the back (that's way they made the back)

6. Get a digital thermometer because it is more accurate.

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You should downsize your heater. You only need a 50w heater for that tank. Also it might fit easier.


Your live sand looks fine. I wouldn't add any more.

Don't bother with a skimmer.


Your aquascaping looks ok. Make sure you have some good places to mount corals to. I think aquascaping is the hardest task in the whole hobby.

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yes it is.. one of my light ballast gave out for sum reasons. i called oceanic system but they where closed. ill try tommorow hopefuly they'll send me one asap because i can see spots of green and brown algea.

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i have the 12g AP and put a 100w in the back with the pump and have some temp issues. lights on its fine 79-80 but at night it drops to 72-73 so i would becareful if you do decide on using the 50w.

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man i wish mine would stay within a degree... im going to take that heater back to the LFS and shove it up his nose... im starting to think the one i have is defective :(

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no i haven't change the pump out yet, order it already. Im also getting a digi thormometer.yeah you should take it back..but LFS arent really good with return and exchanges though.

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that sucks on the ballast.


No issues with mine, but I only have the BC 8 and its only 8 days old so far.


Just bought this heater, and pump. As for the pump I have yet to see a cheaper deal.





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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally got all my ballast running. The algae that i had die and turn into bust. its been three weeks already, is it still two early to add clean up crew??

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