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What type of coral in a 108w PC NC24?


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I am interested in a DX24. It has upgraded pump and the nano tuners 3.36 upgrade. I was wondering what kinda kinda coral I would be able to keep? I'm assuming just softies and LPS?

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I had the same tank and kept SPS in mine. ORA Green Polyp Birdsnest and Orange Digi under those lights. SPS1-1.jpgGotta keep them towards the top and make sure you have enough flow and your CA, ALK & Mag is o.k. Really if you use a good salt and keep the SPS stocking light you won't have to add to much as far as supplements. I would get a 2 part CA/ALK mix like B-Ionic or Kent Tech 2 part. I had 2 Hydor Koralia #1's on each end of the tank with them kind of facing in towards eachother. Stick to monti digi's, monti caps and Birdsnests. The pink birdsnests probably wouldn't look good but the ORA Green Polyp one looked just as good then as it does under my 150W Sunpod now. I also had a pink pocci in there (Pociopora Damicornis is how you spell it I "think") under the 108, it was o.k., not as colorful as with the MH. I would do LPS on the sandbed (Torch, Frogspawn, Hammer, Acans), maybe some rics in the middle area and only a couple colorful SPS pices on top. I saw your post in the CMAS forum where you were going to buy this. It looks like a good deal, I would ask how old the bulbs are, might be worth it to replace them from the start.

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LOL, yea I was interested in it. I used to have a 20H with a Sunpod and LOVED it. Now I have a cat (a bengal) who is very curious and and I don't want to risk him going for a swim. I really would like a MH or T5 setup, but I'm more interested in an all in one due to the cover. I wouldn't mind putting a Sunpod on it either, but again, no cover. Do you think my offer was a good deal (tank and stand)?

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He has been trying to sell that for a while, I "think" he wanted less than your offer at one time, If you go and dig through his recent posts from the last 2-3 months I bet you will find what he was wanting to get for it (High 100's if I remember right).




Found his post from earlier this month, your $200 offer is about what he's looking for:


From a post of his on 1/6/08:


Pm me your email and I'll send you pictures.


It's a 24 gal Nano Cube Deluxe including the square stand.


It has the nanocustoms 108 watt (3x36) compact flourecent light mod with 2 ballasts, so you can have actinics only on.


I also put a fuge light in the back and cut in overflow teeth. It has 2 moonlights but one doesn't work and is easily replaced. I have about $600 invested in this.


I'm asking the low, low price of $190. But my wife is getting tired of looking at it.


Make me an offer.




Again I would ask about the age of the bulbs, much past 6 months and their effectivness goes down. If you need to replace the bulbs then I would ask for $180 so you can spend some of the $20 to get new bulbs.

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If you mainly want softies and LPS with a small selection of hardier SPS then the 108W setup would be good.

I actually am tearing down my NC24 with the 150W Sunpod Phoenix 14K in about a month, once I get my JBJ 28 HQI up and cycled if you feel like waiting. I was wanting $200 for the sunpod and I was going to sell the tank for cheap since it's the tank and stand but no hood.

I'm in Antioch, IL though, close to the Gurnee Mills area.....

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HHHUUUMMM....that is TEMPTING!! I think I may have to consider that :) Do you have any heat issues with the sunpod over the NC? What would you want for the tank, stand & sunpod? Antioch is by me. I'm in Lake Zurich...

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I have an Azoo fan over the back chambers of the NC24 and a Reefkeeper 2 runs it like a chiller (Fan turns on when the temp hit's 80.5 and turns off when it cools down to 79.5. You could do something similar with a digital timer, maybe have it turn on the fan at intervals throughout the day. It would take trial and error to find the perfect settings.


I once forgot to turn the power switch back on for the fan after a water change and the next day during the day it had no cooling. I have my RK2 set to turn off the Sunpod at 84 degrees. It took from 9 (When the lights come on) to 5:30 to heat it up that much. I also have a ghetto looking glass top on it to prevent jumpers (Mainly my firefish) so that traps heat as well.


For the tank, stand, sunpod I would want like $230ish.


Sunpod is 6 months old (Bought at the end of July from Aquacave), currently has a Phoenix 14K bulb but also have the Current 14K that is brand new that came with the unit. Pick a bulb :)


Also would throw in a Ebo Jager Heater and a couple Korallia #1's.


You could take it with the established sandbed if you want (Stomatella's, Nassarius, Bristleworms, etc...) or I could clean it and you could start fresh.

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Sounds like a plan!...I'll have to talk to my better half. I don't see why I didn't have heat issues with my 20H (150w Sunpod) and you have some with the NC?

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Could be the 3 pumps I have going (Maxijet1200 as the return and 2 Koralia #1's), plus I do keep the glass lid over the tank.


Did you need a fan on your 20g when you had the sunpod?

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Not much, if you think in terms of a 2 liter bottle maybe 1/3rd of that a day at the most in the warmer months, less in the cooler months.

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