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Coral Vue Hydros

6 Gallon questions


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Dimensions: 16 inches long, 8 inches wide, 10.5 inches tall


Filtration: Natural filtration, Aquaclear 20, water changes(LOL, obvious...)


Lighting: ONLY 1 WPG...may upgrade


Stock: ?


Goal: Inverts(Possibly fish) w/liverock, THEN If I like SW(First tank), I will upgrade equipment and try a Nanp Reef.


About the Aquaclear 20, how will I be able to use this?


The tank is not yet settup, but I have the tank and everything. Will I be able to put ANY type of fish in here long term? For inverts, I was thinking:

1-2 Cleaner Shrimp OR 3 Sexy Shrimp

1 Mithrax Carb

Several Hermits and Several Turbo Snails.


I also refuse to build a sump or anything now, maybe If I start another tank. This is my first SW tank, and I'm just experimenting now.

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Sorry about that. I tried to edit the other threads post but I guess I ade a new one by accident. This is the updated thread, so please answer my questions here ;)

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Dimensions: 16 inches long, 8 inches wide, 10.5 inches tall


Filtration: Natural filtration, Aquaclear 20, water changes(LOL, obvious...)


Lighting: ONLY 1 WPG...may upgrade-upgrade it now


Stock: ?


Goal: Inverts(Possibly fish) w/liverock, THEN If I like SW(First tank), I will upgrade equipment and try a Nanp Reef.


About the Aquaclear 20, how will I be able to use this?-mod it into a small fuge and and a small powerhead also.


The tank is not yet settup, but I have the tank and everything. Will I be able to put ANY type of fish in here long term? For inverts, I was thinking:

1-2 Cleaner Shrimp OR 3 Sexy Shrimp-Cleaner shrimp too big, sexies ok

1 Mithrax Carb-too big also for the tank.

Several Hermits and Several Turbo Snails.-get netrite and cerith also.


I also refuse to build a sump or anything now, maybe If I start another tank. This is my first SW tank, and I'm just experimenting now.

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^You forgot to say something :P^


Anyway, after looking at most of your aquarium, I would now really like to do a Salt Water, so please answer my questions!


Again, all I want is a cheap, easy settup that looks nice. This is my reasoning behind not wanting a reef, a sump, upgrading my lighting, and getting a protein skimmer. It is also likely that I will be upgrading this tank, so I don't want to spend a ton of money on equipment I won't be able to use if I upgrade.



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Sorry about that. I tried to edit the other threads post but I guess I ade a new one by accident. This is the updated thread, so please answer my questions here ;)

Dose evryone see the sorry about that?

so many of u seem to be jack azzes about nothing.

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bamackc, thank you. I hope that he will apologize or a moderator will step in, because that was extremly un- called for...


Goby/pistol shrimp sounds pretty cool, I will look into them. Any pair you would recomend?

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bamackc, thank you. I hope that he will apologize or a moderator will step in, because that was extremly un- called for...


Goby/pistol shrimp sounds pretty cool, I will look into them. Any pair you would recomend?

Are you asking me to apologize??! I was just letting you know that you do not need two threads about the same thing.


chill ;)

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Are you asking me to apologize??! I was just letting you know that you do not need two threads about the same thing.


chill ;)


No, not you ;) I am talking about scarfish. He has posted immature, un-necassary posts in most of my threads.

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The fail pic was a joke, the third thread was a little unnessary, you could have just bumped one of the first 2 which also asked the question of stocking the 6 gal. As for the smiley faces they were free bumps. If your that upset about it SORRY. :eek:

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On the internet, it is much harder to tell if someone is "joking", so it would be wise not to...I except your apology. I am being helped elsewhere, but thanks for all who have given their input about my plans.

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