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ID Needed - Not even sure what it is - PICS


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I took a look in the back corner of my tank today and see these really weird things growing on some live rock. Almost look like jelly fish stuck in place that don't move at all, but I am sure that isn't what they are.


Anyone know what they are? You will see 2 bigger ones, and the top one has smaller ones surrounding it.


WHAT ARE THEY??? Keepers or get them out?





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I asked around on ReefCentral and someone chimed in and figured it out. Turns out it is a softy, and that it was closed in my original pick. I didn't realize it opened and someone said see if it opens, and I looked again and it was open.


ReefCentral user 'Anemone' said:

"Corynactis, or pseudocorynactis. Generally cryptic, non-problematic hitchhikers. Generally translucent, colors range from red, to pink, to orange, to yellow. The "ball-tips" are really indicative of being one of these corallimoprphs."



It's welcome in my tank!!! :)


Here are some pics of it open:





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