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Innovative Marine Aquariums



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Okay, I thought I was doing a favour yesterday, I changed one portion of my tanks filter media (the last sponge kept clogging) So I turned of the overhead trickle filter, removed the media and placed the new media in (Aqua pure ammonia scrubber cut to fit sponge) I returned most of the original media and turned everything back on.

A bit of debris sprayed out where I had disturbed the media and within seconds the whole tank went into shutdown! my Sinularia shrank down, Zoanthids totally reflexed and started shrinking, GSP's reflexed, shrivelled then disappeared, my Clavularia folded right back, went grey and collapsed and the ricordea yuma's just shrivelled!

I did an immediate water change and tested parameters

Ph: 8.2





They remained like this until today, now only the Clav and Ricordea have recovered.

BTW, fish, hermits, porcelain crab, snails and macro algae are fine? now my sinularia seems to have blisters?

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Aqua pure ammonia scrubber cut to fit sponge
what's that? give us a link for this stuff you're using.


ime ammonia scrubbers are for fw. they're basically zeolites that adsorb the ammonia.


ammonia neutralizers otoh can work in either sw or fw but regardless you shouldn't need any ammonia countering stuff unless you're a transshipper or emergency transporting stuff.


the lack of rinsing wouldn't help either but i'm thinking you're using something you shouldn't. the reaction time of all the corals seems to point to that.

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You called?


Have no fear SoS is here


I had a similar thing happen when i found some cheap carbon i had from my freshwater days. been sitting for years. Thought i rinsed it out well enough put it in and one of my zoa colony's closed up and took almost a week to reopen. From that point on lol i don't do anything but waterchange and skim in my reef tank. If its setup and maintained properly that's all you'll ever need to do.

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I didn't rinse it, it didn't suggest it on the packaging, it was all sealed you see so I didn't give it much thought. It said it's ideal for fresh and marine aquariums.

I just want to know if they will recover, the zoas are now completely deflated and the sinularia seems to be shedding a layer of mucus but it too is very deflated and grey

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I didn't rinse it, it didn't suggest it on the packaging, it was all sealed you see so I didn't give it much thought. It said it's ideal for fresh and marine aquariums.

I just want to know if they will recover, the zoas are now completely deflated and the sinularia seems to be shedding a layer of mucus but it too is very deflated and grey



Got a second protien skimmer laying around? or diatom filter? do some water changes not a huge one but definately dilute the stuff from that foam

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