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New worm


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ok so I found a new worm, at first i thought it was a sea cucumber because it was tiny and sifting threw the sand, and than i saw about 4 inches of his body out of the rock i could not take a pic seeing that he went in real fast and didnt comeback out. he was als out in the day don't know if that makes a difference



It has a black and white checkerd pattern all over it body, its thin like spaghettie, its mouth parts are wierd it kinda looks like an opening of a sock with little greenish hairs around it, and it looks wierd when it retracts itself it looks like the mouth retracts into his body along with its whole body.


good or bad? thanks ahead.

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nothing like that, it has a smooth body, no legs, does'nt look like it has sections. it looks like 1 long body. It not disgusting to me at all, the checkerd pattern looks cool. he has been in there for awhile with no problems. I thought it was some sort of cucumber at first. it doesnt look like it has lethal mouth parts kinda looks like a filter feeder. I would just like a I.D. so i can take him out or leave him in


I do have many baby bristalworms but they have legs and sections. this guy is unique I still have yet to find a pic.

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formerly icyuodd/icyoud2

peanut worm. its harmless.


the rolling in on its self, "mouth retracts into his body along with its whole body."

was the clue that gave it away.

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It is a peanut worm. I just saw a video and it can retract itself pretty small. that explains why he lives in such a small rock.Im glad It's home is in the front of the tank I will try my hardest to snap a photo because it has some really nice markings


also will my new 6 line wrasse kill it or my spaghettie worms?


TY much,

heres the video, pretty nice site also.



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