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frogspawn and flow


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got a 12 gallon nano cube, just brought a branching frogspawn.


i have placed it about halfway up the tank and near the powerhead. The powerhead has a hydor nozzle and its powered by a maxijet 1000.


i know frogspawns should have light to med flow, is this too much? its not getting blasted because the hydor revolves.

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Should be fine. Let the coral tell you. If it stays retracted, then you know somethings wrong. If it gets better expansion than it had at the LFS, then it's a good thing.

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I have had my branching frogspawn in almost every type of flow in my NC12 and it has thrived everywhere. I has looked the best for me (bright color and with nice polyp extension) lower in the aquarium and in fairly low flow. I bought it a long time ago to see if my clown would host as well, but no luck :mellow:.

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My percs host in my frogspawn. Not all the time. They hardly ever leave an area within a few inches of it though. Unless there's food in the tank of course. It's also the first place they dive if they are in the tank and something scares them.

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