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put coral in a thow long do you have to wait to ank


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i just started a eight gallon bio cube and i was wondeing how long do you have to wait to put coral in and what would be some good coral to start off with.

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One Eyed Bunny

First, I'd re-post this in the beginner's forum.


Secondly, you need to fully complete your tank's cycle before you can even think about placing any corals into your tank. After adding your live rock and testing to see if you cycle has started I would imagine you'd wait 2 - 3 weeks, at least.


As for possible corals. I don't know the exact Wattage of the PCs in the BioCube, but I would guess that any zoanthids, mushrooms and possible a torch, hammer or frogspawn coral would suit your needs just fine. You could keep Xenia sp. in there as well, but that might get out of hand and can be bothersome for a first time reefer.

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