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Acclimating a Baby Green Spotted Puffer to Reef Aquarium.


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I wanted to keep a green spotted puffer in my reef aquarium. I began by setting up my tank and cycling it for 3 weeks with cured live rock.


I added CUC the third week:

1 scarlet hermit

4 Astrea snails

2 Dove Snails

1 Peppermint Shrimp


The salt gravity was 1.016 the first day I added the puffer and it seemed to do fine. The next week I raised the Salt Gravity to 1.020 . The fifth week I added more salt to raise gravity to 1.022


The puffer seems to be doing fine and likes the liverock. I will also be adding a false perc with the puffer in the coming weeks.


I hope this works out and the puffer stays alive.



*pictures are blurry sorry*



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