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Innovative Marine Aquariums

In what order should I add my proposed inhabitants?


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I have a 12 gallon Nanocube, around 12 to 14 lbs live rock, 1.5 to 2 inch live sand bed. My cycle finished in July, and I've just added my cleaning crew about a month ago:


3 scarlett hermits

6 nassarius snails

6 astrea snails

4 cerith snails


Before I add any corals I want to add the following:


A yellow watchman goby

A Randalli Pistol shrimp

2 False Ocellaris Clowns


In what order should I purchase these? What would be best? Does it matter?


I was thinking it would be better to get the Yellow Watchman Goby and the Randalli Pistol shrimp. Since they are the shyest they would be more comfortable if they adjusted to their new home by themselves.


Then I was thinking of getting the False Ocellaris Clowns. Would it be better to get them 3 or 4 months apart, so that one will be bigger than the other (this helps for them to pair?)? Or can I just get them both at the same time?


Or would it be better to get the goby and the shirmp separately?


thanks for any suggestions

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Sounds to me like you have the right idea. From what I understand you should introduce the shrimp and goby first; up to you and the availability on how far apart you add them.


As for the clowns it really can work either way. Regardless the clowns will fight to determine dominance, but if you add one at a later time it may not be an exteded dominance issue like if you added two of the same size at the same time. I am personally waiting a few months or longer to introduce my second clown because I would like my juvi black/white morph to be the female, and a yet to be purchased misbar for the male. You may want to consider this aspect if you plan on having distinctive looking clowns.



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