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PFO Solaris


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Hard to tell from the picture.... but kinda looks that way.

Anyway, I'm very interested in your overall opinion of the performance of the fixture. What size fixture are you using? What are heat issues like? How long have ya had it? Had enough time to see what coral growth is like under it?

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Anyway, I'm very interested in your overall opinion of the performance of the fixture.



I don't have the fixture. Those pics are directly from the Solaris website.

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Well I wouldnt base ANY opinions on those pics... they're aweful and the is no backing on the tank, it looks like they used a flash possibly? Nothing looks extremely healthy in that tank anyways.



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It could be the camera. But if we are to assume these pictures actually derive from the Solaris website then we must also assume these are the cream of the crop photos. Why would a website post sub optimal photographs on their own website? They wouldn't.

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Gomer, I think you misinterpreted my statement to mean I was calling you a liar. I wasn't and apologize for the confusion. I was trying to state Solaris did indeed post those photos, and that these images represent the best case scenario under their lighting system.

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It is all good :)


I was looking through the photos...man..so many blurry photos. I did see some flash reflection in a photo or two on the plastic molding frame on the tank, an the absence of that reflection in other photos.

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There's a very good thread on the new Solaris LED lighting system over on that other forum (RC) over in the lighting section. The 20K systems that people have been receiving look pretty good except for some quality control problems. Pretty impressive system, but way too much for my blood.

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