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Rock flower anemone


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I got (traded) a rock full of (what I think are) rock flower anemones. 17 anemones in total. So far they were easy to move to my existing rock and just a few relocated to other places. 24 hours later they are fully open and accepting small pellets.


Below is a pic of them. Their color is like a burgundy with gray/blue/green disk.


Please help me confirm these are indeed rock flower anemones. Also please share your experience with them, care tips, how fast they reproduce, how much light they like, feeding, etc.


Thank you.



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Not RFAs- skirt isn't like that. They are either some form of bubble tip anemones or majano anemones.




More likely Majano, might want to do some reading on them. Reproduce very quickly and are often considered pests

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Thanks for your help.


The pic is the best I could take. Anything specific that you want to see? The foot, from the side? I read some posts about Majanos and watched some pics, but can't ID for certain. I'm worried because placing 18 majanos in my 10 gallon reef sounds like the beginning of a disaster and if so, I want to remove them quickly. On the other hand, if they are something else, not invasive like Majanos, I would like to keep them, they look nice.


From what I can tell, they are definitely anemones. They are close to the rock and do not extend like aptaisia and some pics of majanos.

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Here are some more pics. Hope this helps to id these nems. Your help is appreciated.


Photo of the group of nems. Can also see one totally closed in the middle.




Here you can see the oral disk.




Skirt extended. Can also see its foot. They are 1" in diameter maximum.


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Like the color on those a lot! If I had my mitts on them I's seriously consider a pest/macro tank.


But yes, they're likely majanos or some other colonial anemone. Keep in mind there are a LOT of different kinds of anemone in the ocean - we reefers tend to simplify it down to 7-10 or so. ;)

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I also add that they were most likely wild caught right here in Panama, in the caribbean sea. In case that helps ID them. I really want them not to be a pest. They look pretty ;) But obviously don't want to have a nightmare in my tank because of denial.


Honestly, to me it looks a little different than most pics I find on the web of supposedly Majanos. The density and longitude of the skirt, color and other aspects.

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I spent some time reading and looking at Majano pics and I don't think these are Majanos. I see that most pics of Majanos show clearly that they have some bubble tips, which these ones don't have. The polyps on this ones are straight, gradually reducing as they get away from the body. Also the color. I read that most Majanos are brown/green, these are purple-red.


Anyone can point me to a good description of Majanos? I don't want to get rid of these guys without being a little bit more certain.

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