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Zoa Fungus? I think not.....


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I'm not exactly sure what this is on my zoas. It's also underneath a mushroom. I brought this frag to my LFS and my friend who works there thinks it's a fugus rather than a sponge because it spread in a week or two, which is faster than a sponge.


But I looked online at pics of zoa fungus, and this doesn't look like the pics. If you look closely, it looks like it has tiny fronds like lichen. Or for those into planted aquariums, Mini-pellia. I've looked all around the web, and am at a loss as to what this is.



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I have a white sponge in my tank that grows QUiCK. Looks like that. Can you scrape it off and what does it feel like?



Yes I can scrape it off. But it doesn't feel like a sponge. It's much softer, and tears easier than your typical sponge. Does your's feel soft too?

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Yes I can scrape it off. But it doesn't feel like a sponge. It's much softer, and tears easier than your typical sponge. Does your's feel soft too?

Yeah, but "spongy" if that makes sense. Search white stringy stuff in this Forum. There was some weird fungus/sponge that everyone was trying to identify. It might be that. Or reach out to Amphipod - he is the master at ID'ing stuff like this.

Here's a photo of the stuff in my tank. I let it grow so when I was breaking down my tank, I was surprised at how big it got.



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