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Potter's Angel- let me know your experiences

Sk8n Reefer

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  • 2 weeks later...

There was an info' sheet I saw somewhere (Reef Central?) which collated all the reef safe info' on the various angels over quite a long period among a broad range of contributors. Potter's wasn't too bad (I think it was 80+% over a pretty good number of keepers). Lemonpeels were at the other end of the scale.

If you really want an angel, Genicanthus are the most reliable. Some will munch zoas but most are good with SPS. There are a few that are borderline possible for a 50 gallon though most would be too big and active.

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I remember reading that dwarf angels from the Argi complex are safer than other dwarf angels.


I have kept both C. Argi and C. Aurantonotus. Both where well behaved.

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