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El Fab's Simple Guide to Pico Tanks

el fabuloso

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  • 5 months later...

Wanted to bump this and give a thanks for all the great information. I'm using the AC 110 in a 20 long and just learned I can reduce the flow by clipping that tab off, as shown in the AC70 mod section. Huge thanks!

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  • 2 months later...

I tried to take a look at the power heads posted and the first link doesn't work & the second says discontinued. Anyone have any other suggestions for one??


I ordered this one



When I am pretty sure this is the one I meant to order




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  • 1 month later...
  • 8 months later...

Beautiful tank, I watched the video of your 3 gallon on youtube, as well.


I have a new 3 gallon that is cycling. I've made a few mistakes already, but so far so good. One mistake was adding live rock from a fully seasoned aquarium before the cycle completed. There are creatures climbing out all over. I hope they live through the cycle, I don't like killing things...


I'm torn on what type of corals, inverts, and fish to add, when the cycle finally completes. If I even do fish...

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  • 1 month later...

Great Thread.


Anyone know if a Micro-reefs tank is worth it or not?


I am looking at the JBJ 2-3 gal Pico. Also, El-Fabs, where did you get that PC?


I cant find it on Marine Depot, ebay, or any other weasite. The included light, might be too lite. I am looking at softies and the occasional SPS.



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  • 1 month later...

no advantage. the refugium was for extra volume and for waste uptake via plants, and the media basket can be used with adsorbtion media to also remove wastes, either is ok.

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  • 2 months later...

I think only living tanks should be stickied.


any method that isn't still producing a living aquarium, for any reason, isnt up top material. not downing the thread, but it should be unstickied and left to its own accord to rise or fall. Only the living should be in the spotlight, if something worked 3 yrs ago that was ok for 2011. what should be stickied is any other nano that started in 2011 and is still alive, since the design was able to pre-empt typical challenges with small reefs and keep it alive.



Lots of similar writeup threads have been done, and since they weren't stickied they fell down as usual. so....mod or not its time to unstick.


this should not be a permanent sticky thread, its been years now both since it was started and when it was taken down. put someones nr pico forum tank of the month up, and let newer approaches be spotlighted. this thread doesnt even get input from the mod, the posters carried most of the recent q and a. #unstick


Edit my previous spoiler:

El fab told me of a different reason for taking down the tank than stated below, an opposite one, I guess if he wants to update the thread with it he will. Its rather important to know the outcome of any plan. The outcome brings up good discussion points








As said below, at least sharing sticky space with living tanks using a different approach that lived longer would help to show ways you can prepare for common pico reef insults designs from 2008 may overlook


Andrewk's thread and reef tank document this well, its a smaller tank that lived longer using many opposite approaches compared to this stickied guide, so in that we move the bar higher these two threads would make a nice blend of old and new techniques and outcomes.


Add a sticky to complement el fabs, I'm fine with that. Any tank that has equal coral growth to el fabs or lived longer makes a worthy co sticky

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  • 1 month later...


leave this thread as is!


I have only been in reef keeping for a few months so i am far from being as learned as many on this forum. This thread has been my "Bible" when starting my first tank and i still refer to it often.


The thread is a basic "how to guide" for setting up and maintaining Pico tanks and is no more out of date than 2+2=4 is.


Like elementary school, it gave me the bare bones basics that enabled me to start a tank and get a basic understanding of the process.


As far as other "worthy" threads go, they should have a place in stickydom also, but dont take down one thread to make room for another. There is plenty of room on this sub-forum for stickies.

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I think only living tanks should be stickied.


any method that isn't still producing a living aquarium, for any reason, isnt up top material. not downing the thread, but it should be unstickied and left to its own accord to rise or fall. Only the living should be in the spotlight, if something worked 3 yrs ago that was ok for 2011. what should be stickied is any other nano that started in 2011 and is still alive, since the design was able to pre-empt typical challenges with small reefs and keep it alive.



Lots of similar writeup threads have been done, and since they weren't stickied they fell down as usual. so....mod or not its time to unstick.


this should not be a permanent sticky thread, its been years now both since it was started and when it was taken down. put someones nr pico forum tank of the month up, and let newer approaches be spotlighted. this thread doesnt even get input from the mod, the posters carried most of the recent q and a. #unstick

I disagree.


The information is still as useful now as it was back when it was written. That's why it was stickied - the information is useful and works. If someone else wants to write up a better how-to, then sure, make that one a sticky. I think there is plenty of information in this thread that helps a lot of pico-keepers.


Fab's method wasn't the reason he no longer has a tank. He took his tank down because he was done with it. That doesn't negate the information herein.

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Have to agree with Tibbs et al. Just because a tank is down, does not mean anything was wrong with it, as there are a ton of reasons to take down a tank. Lifestyle changes, sickness, family issues, etc.


EVEN if we concede that 2011 is old school in terms of technology and equipment, there is still a ton to learn here.


I would suggest that pertinent changes in approaches, tank science as we understand it, and new tank goodies be documented here. Not just every little tweak of do-dad, but REAL changes on how we approach tanks of this size.


Fab, GYFI and let us know what you think.

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co sticky this tank el fab, it weathered a test instead of getting shut down:









el fabs reef became a box of algae like this one, thats what missing from the updates and why there are no updates coming.

see Geoff's post below as to why


When you set up pico reefs in 2014, dont use uncleaned refugiums, as they dont help much, and dont set up a dsb that is untouched escpecially with fish bioloading~


three years only seems like a great lifespan until you hit 28 mos, then it stinks. you look back at $1000 about to die, compared to these corals that could live indefinitely, and you'll think three years isn't great.


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I had stated to Andrew that his bleaching event is like an el nino event, he can still demonstrate something amazing corals do if you dont give up, they'll rebuild! ef's thread is great for build techniques and basic care and this one takes it a step further to show how to recoup from a disaster, mainly by handling waste that would otherwise be compacted in an untouched sandbed.

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co sticky this tank el fab, it weathered a test instead of getting shut down:



Absolutely this should be a sticky!


Edit: I am now about 2/3 of the way through the thread, and I definitely agree that this should be a sticky. It would be helpful, however, (as you mentioned with Fab's thread, Andrew's thread is long, too) to have a single write up - basic current equipment list, basic maintenance schedule.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Even an equipment guide is up to debate/opinion. We've seen tanks rise and fall with skimmers/sumps/Reactors/HOB/Canister/no equip. All have the potential to last.

Maintenance of a tank to me is the real key. You are talking about taking elements in nature that are able to survive in our .9 and up tanks however if you. The tank owner, decided to neglect the tank well our technology has only come so far. We can replicate the lighting, the current, the salinity and even the trace elements that are found in our oceans but we cannot duplicate the vast symbiosis of the ocean. That's where the tank owner comes in. They must watch the tank, check levels, do water changes and insure the tank is running properly. As far as I have seen on this site there is no 'no Maintenance' tank. Even PJ's jar will need water changes. To me your pico will only be as successful as you let it.

As far as the '2011' way of doing things, I llove to read the old threads and see how things were when PC's and Halides were King. To see how the hobby has evolved and how tanks and equipment have evolved evokes a feeling of satisfaction that we now have the ability to fully control the environment within a pico and can allow those tanks to thrive.


So to me lets keep this stickied and add more stickies. Really, any TOTM is a good example of how a tank can be ran.

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  • 2 weeks later...

EL Fab, pls add another successful tank sticky- we want Andrews tank here as well, it addresses sandbed techniques important for the new phase of pico reef longevity.


plant based refugiums accomplish biodiversity, they do not filter nutrients or lessen the work load for true export on a tank. we want to show opposing designs as a sticky here, their length of time with no shut down of tank makes them worthy. I believe the new lifespan maximums for pico reefs is being attained by purposefully not setting up refugiums, however they may be built and there was a time I used them too


pm sent for some input into this thread


co-link andrew :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had a quick definitional question - I know that the pico tank term is not a hard and fast definition, but generally does the 5 gallon pico tank volume customarily include or exclude any additional water volume from HOB refugiums and/or sumps? e.g. if someone has a 2.5 gallon display tank plumbed to a 10 gallon sump, or a 5 gallon display tank with a 1 gallon HOB refugium?

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no site in particular agrees on what gallonage constitutes a pico. I think they should be terribly small to be called a pico, others say 6 and below, we are all just pretty opinionated about it lol. its whatever you choose!

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  • 3 months later...

Hi guys, I am considering building a pico tank. I have a spare 4.5 gallon Boyu Fish Home tank. Tank measurements are 30 cm x 22 cm x 26. What equipments should I get to setup a pico reef?

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

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